Friday, January 11, 2008

Want To Be An Electrician?

The electrician is one of the most respected of the tradesmen in our society. The understanding and harnessing of electricity has changed the world like few other things. The loss of electricity would plunge the world back into darkness. Most people are involved with electricity to the degree that they insert a plug into a wall socket or throw a switch. Making sure the right thing happens when they do this is the job of the trained electrician. So, how does one become an electrician?

The path to a career as an electrician usually runs through an apprenticeship program of some type. The apprenticeship program will consist of a mix of on-the-job training and formal classroom instruction. The average apprenticeship program will run about 4 years. The classroom training usually amounts to roughly 144 hours of instruction. So, it is obvious that the majority of learning takes place on the job. This is not unexpected as the electrician is much more involved in the hands on work of installing and maintaining electrical systems than in understanding the theory behind them.

This is not to say that the theory part is unimportant or unnecessary. The aspiring electrician is going to need a minimum of a high school education or GED. It is important to have math skills and a good command of English. Electricians often work from manuals, so reading and comprehension skills are needed. The ability to solve math problems and understand blueprints are essential electrician skills. These skills must be acquired before beginning the apprenticeship program. Classroom training within the apprenticeship program shows how to apply these skills to the work place. It also includes teaching how to use testing equipment, and even includes first aid training.

Many trade unions and contractor associations sponsor vocational schools to prepare electricians. This is an alternative to the apprenticeship approach. At the vocational school, the aspiring electrician completes the classroom portion of their preparation first. Graduates are usually hired as beginning electricians, generally at a higher rate of pay.

A person may select to go through an apprenticeship program or attend a vocational school. The electrician can look forward to good financial compensation and quite a bit of job security. The job is demanding, however, and is not for careless people. School guidance counselors, local contractor associations, and even trained electricians can give advice on the best ways to prepare yourself in your local area.

Find an electrician at

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